Friday, June 25, 2010

Don't Judge

Why do some people feel that they have a right to judge others? I feel that some opinions should be kept to ourselves. These judgements include: weight, physical characteristics, sexual orientation, and religion etc. GET OVER IT!! If a person weighs a ton, yes they might be unhealthy but it could be a health problem. Why is it needed to announce they are big? I do believe they know. Also, physical characteristics. Yes there is plastic surgery, but really? Really? Don't comment on someone saying, wow you have big ears. Why is that needed? Why do you have to say it? Would it kill you to just say nothing at all? Next hot topic sexual orientation. This is not a new thing, it has been around forever. It only now has a name. People were bisexual way back in the day and nothing was thought of it, it was just a way of life. Also, men were having sex with men, because it wasn't taboo. Gay & Lesbianism have been around so get over it..move on.

I believe that when people are hostile towards certain topics it is because they are scared, which means they don't understand. To all those who I have offended I do appologize and you obviously fall in the category of "Captain Obviouses", but it isn't you life and who gave you a license to judge others? Do not judge lest ye be judged.

My favorite quote on physical characterstics from my friend: (super duper christain)Person 'A' said, "You have long hair, you really need to cut is inapropriate"...Person 'B' responds, "But Jesus had long hair?" LoL..point made. Don't judge.
I feel that women do not get the respect they need. So lets start with this: Women...if you portray yourself as a "hoochie" don't be shock when you get treated like one. If you wear the smallest pieces of clothes in public then don't get offended when people tried to talk to you. GIRL you wore a MINISKIRT with a TUBETOP..what did you expect. Also, on this topic. To the random girl at ODU. I really didn't appreciate the view I received...and also what happened to covering your jewels. The first thing I thought was OMG..and the second was crap I didn't make it to her face I hope we don't have a class together...the third was..ewww what if she sits in a desk that I am going to sit in. You know herpes stays on a non porous surface for 14 days? She had on a tiny black skirt and didn't have to bend over at all for the world to see her vagina. That is right..this skirt was sooo short it looked like a badeau top, and yes people no undergarments on. WHAT! So respect is earned..soo...HOW CAN YOU EXPECT OTHERS TO RESPECT YOU IF YOU DON'T EVEN RESPECT YOURSELVES?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

McDonald's make people fat? Really?

Another company is yet again making trouble with McDonald's. They are claiming that by Mckie D's putting toys in their happy meals it is causing kids to get fat. Slippery slope? I think so. This must be their thinking: Toys in happymeals=kids getting fat. What about this one then: Parents $=happymeal. So then it is safe to assume the following: Parents=kids getting fat.

Companies: Stop blaming Mckie D's for peoples health problems. They only way you should be allowed to sue them is if a CEO of Mckie D's holds people hostage and shoves valuemeals down their throats for WEEKS MONTHS...otherwise McDonald's is not directly respondible. The accusations that are being put out there are slippery slope, which is a rhetorical fallacy and shouldn't hold up in court.

People: STOP blaming McDonald's for your health problems. No one is making you eat there. Do not use the excuse that healthy food is too expensive! By not driving to McDonald's for all your meals, think about the gas you WON'T be using..then think about how much money you will save by not using that gas! No Excuses.

Therefor, the only people to blame for kids being overweight is the caretakers. UNLESS the child has a health related issue that cause weightgain. Otherwise..they are to blame. Also, what about Burger King, Wendy's, Arby's, Hardees, Taco Bell..etc. Are they not just as equally to blame as McDonald's? Then why aren't they getting blamed? Lets just be honest people, McDonald's brings in the most revenue so you want their money! This is just all pointless.


Simply Irritated.